Military Camo
Military Sniper
Rifle Camo
Famous Snipers
Military Training
Ghillie Suits

Do You Want the Competitive Upper Hand? Purchase a Ghillie Suit!

Military Ghillie suits have been used for over a century in military encounters. Nowadays thousands
of players are buying them to give themselves the advantage in

Everyone has heard of a sniper before. Many times we envision a secretive, lone man in a
far-away place waiting silently for the chance to make the kill shot when we imagine
them. The sharpshooter is an important thing in military affairs in probably any country
on the planet. Even when the military is not deployed for a conflict and their country is
supposedly at peace, sharpshooters will often be engaged in missions that their special
sqaudron is involved

A sniper's list of accessories is small and to-the-point. Accessories that are totally
necessary are the only things a sniper has with them because they prefer to travel very
lightly. The sharpshooter carries an accessory sack that contains food, water, and
emergency provisions. Cartridges and ammunition are commonly kept on the person for ease
and quick access. Other belongings included may be emergency supplies, spare socks, and
an assault gun for the spotter to use in case of an unexpected encounter with the

The weapon of choice for an experienced sniper is a high-powered .50 caliber rifle such
as the PSG-1 or the M-21 that has been worked on to be accurate even at great distances.
Because they have a lower chance of jamming up out on the field and because of the
simplicity of their design, adept shooters generally prefer bolt-action guns. When the
used cartridge shells are ejected from the gun, a semi-automatic gun can give a sniper's
position away. A good shooter generally only needs one shot to be successful on his
objective so they don't mind the disadvantage of having to reload with each

The scope is just as critical as the weapon. When a sniper is attempting to make a far
range shot there are many elements that will determine where the bullet actually lands.
Influences that sharpshooters must ponder to make a successful shot are wind direction
and speed, terrain, and whether or not the target is on the move or not. Crosshairs
inside the scope pinpoint the exact position of impact and can amplify a target up to ten
times. Sharpshooters don't aim right at the target with the crosshairs because factors
such as the wind will make the bullet land somewhere totally different than where it was

Nowadays a lot of ghillie suits bought by players use them in paintballing events to
give themselves the advantage. The special properties makes it exceptionally difficult
for competing players to see them in terrain such as brush and high grass. A ghillie
suit wearing player can be very close to another player and stay undetected still. Many
adept and amateur players have noticed this edge. There are types of gilly suit styles
for nearly every type of terrain now, from thick forests to dry, arid areas with a ton of
dirt and desert. Wearing one of these special suits can give an average competitor a